Monday 25 November 2013

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Tuesday 30 July 2013

warren wilson auckland, experimenting, red orchid 1mp

warren wilson auckland, Red 1Mp, experimenting to determine which resolution is best for blogspot so the images do not need to be adjusted and are not too slow to display.

Pink Orchid

Pink Orchid grown by Warren Wilson in Upper Queen st, Newton, Auckland

Monday 1 July 2013


Hi out there
This beautiful Orchid was grown in the middle of Auckland city, in upper queen st by warren wilson
It is inspiring Orchids flower in the middle of winter

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Saturday 27 April 2013

After drought then it rains
how long for normal to return
the cracks in life to fill with water
as the earth expands

Tuesday 9 April 2013

EQC debacle

This EQC debacle demonstrates that dishonesty and incompetence is endemic within this government and many of it's departments, not only do heads not role but one gets the impression they wear this negligence as a badge of honour while putting out their hands to take yet more from those whom they betray.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Saturday 30 March 2013

When will New Zealand wake up to foreign property investment?

When will New Zealand wake up to foreign property investment? As Singapore and Hong Kong clamp down with further taxes to curb their over heated residential property markets, those same investors flock to New Zealand to fuel ours. Figures suggest that 10% of NZ house purchases are by foreign investors but over look that most of those sales are in Auckland so the real figures are much higher. We should remind ourselves that we can not buy properties in these countries. What will happen to the NZ dream as progressively more of our residential property slips into foreign ownership pushing up prices as they do so, Kiwis will become tenants in their own land.

comment by
warren arthur wilson

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Auckland housing deficit

The real problem with the housing deficit in Auckland is the inordinate cost of development, that too many people want to live in Auckland relative to other places in New Zealand, that too much property is being purchased by foreign investors seeking cash in on our problems. These problems are resolvable firstly by recognising the problems we have.  

Unitary Plan deeply flawed

Thankfully the Government has stepped in to put the brakes on the Auckland Councils deeply flawed Unitary plan, the plan seems more focused on the icing than the cake. 
More development without addressing the infrastructure deficit is simply more problems for the future.

Economic Chaos

Clearly Europe and other parts of the world are in economic chaos, economic growth predictions for the international future are bleak, therefore why does New Zealand pretend that we are doing ok and the future is bright when in reality we are but flotsam and jetsam on the ocean of international economic gloom

Monday 18 March 2013

economic quagmire

While the most of the world, sinks further into economic quagmire, austerity kicks in and they trip over each other to print money faster, why is our media and government deluded that she's alright mate in New Zealand, is this the blind leading the blind or deception. Random comment from warren arthur wilson

Sunday 17 March 2013

Hello out there from warren arthur wilson

Isn't it so wonderful to feel the moist of rain on parched skin after such a spell of hot and dry.